Unlike hotels which have a fixed check-in and check out time, we want to be flexible and organize everything according to your plans. Our method for counting days is designed to maximize this flexibility for you while also keeping in mind the interest of the dog sitters in our community. We count the number of days in your booking based on the start date + time and end date + time of your booking. We only start counting days when the dog sitter starts caring for your dog (no matter the location of your booking).

We first count the number of full 24 hour periods (or days) involved in your booking (for example, 11:00 on the start date to 11:00 the next day is 1 full 24 hour period). We understand that the end time for your booking will not always be according to this 24 hour period so when you confirm the booking you can simply let us know the end date and time according to your plans and we will proceed accordingly. After the last full 24 hour period is over we will count days according to what time your booking ends. We will count it as a half day rate for the first 6 hours and if your booking is ending more than 6 hours after this 24 hour period we will count this as a full additional day.

We believe in 100% transparency and we want you to understand everything. Here are some examples which could help:

Please note: in this example you would be charged 3 days up to 09:00 on 23rd February.


Please note: in this example you would be charged 4 days up to 13:00 on 7th March.

In case you still have questions or need more help understanding this, please don’t hesitate to email us at contact@dogstays.lu.Â